What is the Best Leather Bag Protector Spray?

A question we’re often asked by our clients is what is the best leather bag protector. While there are many products on the market, choosing the right leather protector spray is essential for both protecting your bag and preventing stains and discolouration.

Choosing a Leather Protector for your Bag

When choosing a leather protector for your bag the first thing you need to be wary of are solvent based protectors. Cheaper solvent protectors sold at supermarkets or shoe repair stores will often contain the ingredient silicone.

Coating your bag with silicone while effective for protection will “suffocate” the fibres and stop the leather from breathing. Silicone has the unwanted side-effect of drying out leather fibres and changing the character or feel of the leather.

In addition, we find that leather bags that have been treated with silicone-based products are more difficult to clean or restore as the leather becomes too brittle and has difficulties bonding with new pigment.
leather bag protector spray
There are also products marketed as “leather protectors” that are no more than wax or oil based conditioners. Scotch guard or mink oils are also not recommended for protecting leather bags as these products can darken the leather and offer no protection to leather.

Which Leather Bag Protector to Use?

A silicone-free, all-natural and water-based protector is our recommendation for leather bags. This allows you to protect your bag from water and other substances without compromising the leather.

Our workshops stocks Saphir Medialle D’or Super Invulner, which has become the gold standard leather protector available to consumers. Recommended by luxury and designer brands and verified by our team, this product is safe to use on the most sensitive leathers such as lambskin.

We also offer an in-house professional leather protection service for guaranteed stain and water resistance for up to 6 months after which you can apply your own silicone-free product at 3 month intervals to upkeep the leather.

Get in touch with our team if you’re interested in our products or leather bag protection services.